Marketing Junto

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Unlocking Your Ideal Customer Profile to Create Winning Marketing Campaigns

One of the key elements of successful marketing is having an accurate understanding of your ideal customer. By knowing this, you are much more likely to develop effective campaigns that truly resonate
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Stop Using Templates to Write Your Hooks (And Here's Why)

If you're one of those marketers who relies on templates to write your hooks... Stop. Here's the thing: Hook templates are ultra-generic. You've seen them a thousand times. And they (
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SEO Can Help When Your Analytics Show That You’re Not Getting Good Traffic

Websites must do more than look aesthetically pleasing in today's online world. Marketing Junto Marketing Junto SEO Can Help When Your Analytics Show That You're Not Getting Good Traffic By
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My Thoughts on ChatGPT

Everybody's talking about ChatGPT. Especially at the beginning, everyone was going crazy. But (from what I've seen), it seems more people are starting to shift their perspective a bit. Is
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The Pros and Cons of Being an Entrepreneur

My Take I've been an entrepreneur for more that 15 years. I've also interviewed tons of entrepreneurs on my podcast, Entrepreneur's Enigma. From all this I can tell you it can be a
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7 Simple Ways I'm Growing My Email List (That You Can Start Implementing Right Now)

Editors Note: Joshua will be writing a column for us on Tuesdays! This will, at some point, be for paying members. But for now enjoy Joshua's wisdom! Everyone knows social media is great for
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Find Your Ideal Client Profile Win A Teddy Bear

My Take Well maybe not win a teddy bear (and I know that's a real polar bear above), but what I can tell you will win... having a better time figuring out who you should market to. That's worth
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Are people still ignoring your content? Here's the solution.

Editors Note: Joshua will be writing a column for us on Tuesdays! This will, at some point, be for paying members. But for nows enjoy Joshua's wisdom! Social media is riddled with boring content.
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Community Is Huge And Growing

Community is becoming a hot topic. Let's talk about it. Marketing Junto Marketing Junto Community Is Huge And Growing By Seth M Goldstein – 1 Mar 2023 – View online → Photo by Duy Pham / Unsplash
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ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, And The Written Word

First off I think Artificial Intelligence has a place in writing, in marketing, in sales, and in live in general. What I don't think is that AI should be leaned on as much as it is. Marketing Junto
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Do These Things When You’re On Someone’s Podcast

My Take Full disclaimer... I'm not pointing out anyone in particular. But these really items need to be said: 1. Show up on time or early. If you do have to reschedule, be courteous and give 12 to
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Why I Decided To Migrate To Ghost For This Newsletter.

Hey everyone! Just a quick update. I've decided to decouple Marketing Junto from the Goldstein Media website. Some of you might remember that Marketing Junto was originally separate before I
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Having A Good Website Matters! | Marketing Junto

Midjourney AI generated cartoon of a web designer screaming at her computer. AI really can't do hands. 🤣 My Take I'm sick of these “high-powered” professionals having crappy, poorly designed,
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Podcasting Is NOT In Trouble | Marketing Junto

Midjourney AI rendering of a chimp sitting at a computer with headphones podcasting. My Take Podcasting IS NOT in trouble. Just because Spotify, which is a big player in the podcasting space, is laying
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Content Is Only King With A Plan | Marketing Junto

Dall-e 2 rendering of 3 robots dancing on a closed laptop. My Take You've probably heard the adage of that "Content is King." This is only true if you have the plan and structure in place
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Beta Testing Done Wrong | Marketing Junto

My Take Send help! I'm being held hostage by Microsoft. More specifically the Windows 11 Beta program. The betas are making my computer unstable, and that alone is infuriating, but can be expected.
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AI Ate My Lunch? | Marketing Junto

My Take New York Public Schools have banned ChatGPT citing rampant cheating. I can see how artificial intelligence (AI) can be a problem in education. Educators' concerns about bias in the AI and
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Happy 2023!! | Marketing Junto

Happy 2023!! | Marketing Junto My Take Wow, 2022 is finally over. It was quite the year. I know a lot of people went through some tough stuff in '22, here's to 2023 being much better. I'm
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Raising Your Prices | Marketing Junto

Raising Your Prices | Marketing Junto My Take I'm sitting at my desk at the end of the year. (It's the Friday before Christmas as I write this) The wind is howling as winter storm Elliott rages
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SEO Is Not Rocket Science | Marketing Junto

SEO Is Not Rocket Science | Marketing Junto My Take I was on Mordy Oberstein's SEO Rant podcast on Friday and I had a blast. We ranted about how SEO (aka Search Engine Optimization) isn't